Saturday, July 22, 2006

End of the night dance party

Yes, that is a tambourine i am playing. And apparently this is the most fun i have ever had! There was a band playing in the front room of Llwelynns and i took it upon myself to play all the percussion instruments that they were not. That included an egg shaker and a tambourine. Kyle and Jenna are dancing in the background.
another fabulous percussion moment...
random dance floor picture
And finally, who can resist a Kevin sandwich? I guess me. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Ben said...

Holy vegetable!!! You're on your blog again, almost forgot what you looked like! :) I'm so super excited you not only got to play random percussive instuments, but you got to play EGG SHAKERS!!!!! Congrats! Love the face with the tamborine.
Lucky! You got to meet Big Head Todd and Toad? Spokes...pegs...lucky!
Keep 'em comin Ness.
Miss you!